MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETYThe Committee of Historians take pleasure in presenting to the public this the seventeenth volume of the " Collections of the Michigan
Pioneer and Historical Society ” (1890) believing that its contents will be found to be as fully up to the standard in interest as that of the previous volumes. The papers have been prepared with much care and research , and the committee most gratefully acknowledge the assistance of those who have contributed to its pages, and tender to them the thanks of the Society for the able manner in which they have forwarded its aims. These papers will upon examination be found to be not only interesting to the reader of today, but as time rolls on they will, as records of the past, become of much greater interest and value. This volume contains the proceedings of the Annual Meeting of 1890 , and the papers read at that meeting, together with others received at former meetings, omitted from previous volumes for want of space, but well worthy of a place in the “ Collections." One of these papers is a reprint from the “ Friends Miscellany,” giving an account of an expedition in 1793, from Philadelphia to Detroit, by three commissioners of the United States, and six members of the society of Friends ( Quakers) , who came to this State in the interest of peace with the Indians. The manner in which this journey was made partially by water communication in navigating the Mohawk river up to a point west of where the city of Utica now stands, will of itself, aside from the inter est in the object of the journey , be found to be very interesting when considered in contrast with the manner in which the same trip can be made at the present day. |
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