The Saginaw County Death Index lists the book and page at the Courthouse containing a detailed death record in Saginaw County. The Death Index from 1868 thru 2015 photographs are grouped alphabetically by the first letter of the person's surname.
Within each surname's first letter's grouping below, the Death Index photos are usually presented in chronological order as recorded at the courthouse; pages of out-county/out-state deaths and pages of correction are presented after the in-county deaths. Stillborn records are on separate death index pages at the courthouse, and are here presented in their own grouping web page (Listed as 'SB' below).
To view the Death Index photographs, please click on a surname's first letter below; photos have been loaded for surnames beginning with A thru Z, and stillborn thru 1985 so far. Each web-page contains one of more photographs, which once selected, may be enlarged and/or downloaded for better viewing. Searchable spreadsheets of the photographs' contents will be added later to the Society's website.
Within each surname's first letter's grouping below, the Death Index photos are usually presented in chronological order as recorded at the courthouse; pages of out-county/out-state deaths and pages of correction are presented after the in-county deaths. Stillborn records are on separate death index pages at the courthouse, and are here presented in their own grouping web page (Listed as 'SB' below).
To view the Death Index photographs, please click on a surname's first letter below; photos have been loaded for surnames beginning with A thru Z, and stillborn thru 1985 so far. Each web-page contains one of more photographs, which once selected, may be enlarged and/or downloaded for better viewing. Searchable spreadsheets of the photographs' contents will be added later to the Society's website.