LIST OF Saginaw County Schools- from the past
Albee to Chesaning
Frankenmuth to marion
Richland to Zilwaukee
Information found at the Public Libraries of Saginaw - Hoyt - Saginaw Michigan. Additions or corrections appreciated. We would also be grateful for OLD OR NEW pictures of these schools.
Frl. - FRACTIONAL DISTRICT (District divided between two townships)
A factional school district was one that received pupils from more than one township. The townships from where the pupils came was required to help finance the school district on a prorated formula basis.
SECTION 16 of every township was know as the “school section”
because any money obtained from the sale of land in this section was never completely remodeled throughout the years.
Through the years, pupils living in certain areas of Thomas Township were educated in four fractional school districts in surrounding townships, often because of geographic convenience. The four districts received financial aid from Thomas Township. Three of the districts, Paines School, James No.3 and Fremont No.2, received pupils from the southwestern part of Thomas Township. The fourth district, Richland, No. 6, received pupils from the northwest part of that township.
Frl. - FRACTIONAL DISTRICT (District divided between two townships)
A factional school district was one that received pupils from more than one township. The townships from where the pupils came was required to help finance the school district on a prorated formula basis.
SECTION 16 of every township was know as the “school section”
because any money obtained from the sale of land in this section was never completely remodeled throughout the years.
Through the years, pupils living in certain areas of Thomas Township were educated in four fractional school districts in surrounding townships, often because of geographic convenience. The four districts received financial aid from Thomas Township. Three of the districts, Paines School, James No.3 and Fremont No.2, received pupils from the southwestern part of Thomas Township. The fourth district, Richland, No. 6, received pupils from the northwest part of that township.
Albee Township
# 1 Drum School: halfway between Birch Run & Burt Roads
# 1 Drum School: halfway between Birch Run & Burt Roads
Birch Run Township
#1 Banner School: corner of Busch and Dehmel Roads
# 2 Bidwell School: corner of Busch and Maple Roads
# 3 Birch Run School: with village limits
# 4 Butler School: corner of East Verne and Gera Roads
# 5 Hammond School: corner of Hammond and Busch Roads
# 6 Horton School: corner of East Vern and Beyer Roads
# 7 Marr School: corner of Dixie Highway and East Burt Road
# 8 Rottier School: corner of East Burt and Block Roads
Blumfield Township
# 1 Arthur School: southwest corner of Washington and Vassar Road
# 2 Blumfield School: within village of Blumfield corner, at corner of Block and Vassar Roads
# 3 Frankentrost School: southeast corner of Mueller and Holland Roads
# 4 Hill School: on Holland halfway between Gera and Block Roads
# 5 Krick School: on block road halfway between Hack and Washington Roads
# 6 Kulmbach School: corner of Janes and Mueller Roads
# 7 Pratt School: corner of Manning and Uncle Henry Roads
Brady Township
# 1 Brady Center School: corner of Hemlock and Peet Roads
# 2 Frl. Koyne School: near corner of Brennan and Ridge Roads Sec. 28
#3 Lamaroux School: corner of Iva and Peet Roads
# 4 McFall School: corner of Iva and Baldwin Roads
# 5 North Brady Center School: corner of Hemlock and Baldwin Roads
# 6 Frl. Oakley School: within village of Oakley Sec. 31
# 7 Overpack School: on Iva Road halfway between Ridge and Sommers Roads
# 8 Red School: corner of Fordney and Peet Roads
# 9 Robinson School: corner of Baldwin and Fordney Roads ?Flower Road Sec. 28
#10 Swimm School: Sec. 4
# 11 Walsh School: Corner of Ridge and Raucholz Roads
Frl. - Fractional District (District divided between two townships)
Brant Township
# 1 Frl. Brant School: on Colvin Road Halfway between Iva and Brennan Roads
# 6 Oakdale School: on Brant Road halfway between Iva and Brennan Roads
# 5 Limbocker School: corner of Iva and West Burt Roads frl. - Fractional District
# 2 Brant Center School: in village of Brant District divided between
# 8 Wilson School: corner of Marion and Hemlock Roads two townships
# 3 Carl School: on Ithaca road halfway between Dempsey and Fordney Roads
# 4 Dygert School: corner of West Burt and Fordney Roads
# 7 Ring (Orville) School: corner of Fordney and Brant Roads
Frl. - Fractional District (District divided between two townships)
Bridgeport Township
# 1 Bridgeport Village School: with in village limits
# 2 Brucker School: on Fort Road at end of Moore Road
# 3 Cass Bridge School: corner of Curtis and Rock Roads
# 4 Dixie School:
# 5 King Road School: corner of King Road and Dixie Highway
# 6 Phelps School: Corner of Roedel and Portsmouth Roads
# 7 Popp School: on Washington Road halfway between Studor and railroad track
# 8 Orville School: on Moore Road halfway between Dorwood Rd and the railroad track
# 9 Schulz School: on King Road halfway between Portsmouth and Reimer Roads
Buena Vista Township
# 1 Downes School: ~ Crow Island School 1916-1917
# 2 Liedlein School: corner of Holland and Ruff Roads
# 3 Star School: on Wadsworth Road near Towerline Road ~ White School 1916-17
# 4 Indiantown School: corner of Portsmouth and Becker Roads
# 5 Harding School: corner of Portsmouth and Ritter Roads ~ Hawsbeck 1916-17
# 6 Highland Park School: ~ Wadsworth 1916-1917
# 7 Ricker School: near corner of Towerline and Hess Roads
# 8 Service School:
Carrollton Township
# 1 Union School:
# 2 Mershon School:
Chapin Township
# 1 Banner School: corner of Peet and Fenmore Roads
# 2 Booth School: corner of Kramer and Chapin Roads
# 3 Estes School: corner of Baldwin and Chapin Road
# 4 Hartwick School: corner of Fenmore and Peet Roads
# 5 McQuiston School: corner of Fenmore and Baldwin Roads
# 6 Somers School: corner of Kramer and Fenmore Roads
Chesaning Township
# 1 Chesaning Village Schools
1a Big Rock Elementary School
1b Chesaning Middle School
1c Havana High School
1d Line Street School
# 2 Dutchtown School: on West Gary Road near Amman Road Sec. 2
# 3 Dyer School: corner of Baldwin and Frandsche Roads Section 7
# 4 Frink School: corner of Amman and Peet Roads Section 3 Chesaning Twp.
# 5 Ginter School: corner of Volkmer and Amman Roads Sec.
# 6 Havana School: near corner of Ditch and River Roads Section 32 ?Frandsche & Havana
# 7 Mills School: corner of Amman and Ditch Roads Sec. 25
# 8 Morleytown School: corner of West Burt and Sharon Roads - West Gary
Around 1926, there was a big dispute between the people over which side of the town line the school house should be on.
One night some men removed the schoolhouse from the one side of the road to the other. No one has ever moved it back.
Around 1926, there was a big dispute between the people over which side of the town line the school house should be on.
One night some men removed the schoolhouse from the one side of the road to the other. No one has ever moved it back.
# 9 Westfall School: on Corunna Road halfway between Ferden and Ditch Roads Sec. 27
# 10 ? moved - corner of Peet and Frandsche Roads Section 18
Frankenmuth Township
# 1 Bender School: on King Road halfway between Maple and Beyer Roads
# 2 Frankenmuth Village School: 1858 Tuscola Street between Main & Hubinger Street,
1901 on Genesee Street east of Parker Street
1901 on Genesee Street east of Parker Street
# 3 Gera School: on King Road halfway between Block and Gera Roads
# 4 Jerome School: on Maple Road halfway between Curtis and Townline Roads On Jerome farm
About 1850 Frankenmuth schools became Lutheran/Parochial - St Lorenz Congregation
About 1850 Frankenmuth schools became Lutheran/Parochial - St Lorenz Congregation
# 5 Lincoln School: near corner of Rodammer and Dehmel Roads, south side of Junction Road about a 1/4 mile west of Beyer Road
Fremont Township
# 1 Burton S Teft School: corner of Iva and Roosevelt Roads
# 2 Cleveland School: corner of Hemlock and Swan Creek Roads
# 3 Forest School: corner of Trinklein and Orr Roads
# 4 Graham School: corner of Lakefield and Raucholz Roads
# 5 Guilford School: corner of Nelson and Brennan Roads
# 6 Reynolds School: on Grabowski Road halfway between Raucholz and Fordney Roads
James Township
# 1 Carr School: Swan Creek Road - Pokagon School
# 2 Jordan School: corner of River and Swan Creek Roads
# 3 Paines School: on Dutch Road halfway between Stroebel and River Roads
# 4
Jonesfield Township
# 1 Fleming School: on Fenmore Road midway between Dice and Frost Roads
# 2 Fales School: on Gratiot Road midway between Fenmore and Meridian Roads
# 3 Bellen School: on Chapin Road midway between Dice and Frost Roads
# 4 Merrill Village School: Village of Merrill
# 5 Striped School: on Gratiot Road midway between Chapin and Merrill Roads
Kochville Township
# 1 Frl. Crane School: corner of Hospital and Kochville Roads
# 2 Jewett School: corner of Kochville and Mackinaw Roads
# 3 Liberty School: corner of Liberty and Michigan Roads
Frl. - Fractional District (District divided between two townships)
Lakefield Township
# 1 Bastedo School: corner of Lakefield and Chapin Roads
# 2 Brown School: corner of Grabowski and Fenmore Roads
# 3 Byrnes School: corner of Swan Creek and Fenmore Roads
# 4 Frl. Kain School: corner of Swan Creek and Chapin Roads
# 5 Maple Leaf School: corner of Lakefield and Fenmore Roads - Parker School
# 6 Frl. Morrison School: 1916-17
# 7 Nohel School: on Chapin Road midway between Colvin and Grabowski Roads - Morrison School 1916-17
Frl. - Fractional District (District divided between two townships)
Maple Grove Township
# 1 Albert School: corner of Bishop and Chesaning Roads
# 2 Deneen School: corner of Chesaning and Lincoln Roads
# 3 Fonger School: corner of Chesaning and East Roads
# 4 Glazier School: corner of Ditch and Lincoln Roads
# 5 Irland School: corner of Peet and East Roads
# 6 Layton Corner School: corner of Lincoln and Peet Roads
# 7 Munroe School: corner of Bishop and Ditch Roads
# 8 Springbrook School: corner of Bishop and Chesaning Roads
# 9 Frl. ??corner of Ditch and East Roads
Frl. - Fractional District (District divided between two townships)
Marion Township
# 1 Allentown School: corner of Schroeder and Chapin Roads
# 2 Fowler School: corner of Chapin and West Burt Roads
# 3 Lone Oak School: corner of West and Fenmore Roads - Fischer 1916-17
# 4 Oak Grove School: corner of Brant and Fenmore Roads - Geiger 1916-17
# 5 Shady Nook School: corner of Ithaca and Chapin Roads
# 6 Zacharias School: corner of Ithaca and Fenmore Roads
Richland Township
# 1 Burd School: on Dice Road midway between Fordney and Raucholz Roads
# 2 Frl. Doyle School: on Pruess Road midway between O’Hara and Geddes Roads
# 3 Hemlock Village School: village of Hemlock
# 4 Frl. J. W. Fordney School: corner of Fordney and Ederer Roads
# 5 Frl. John C. Nafe School: corner of Hemlock and Tittabawassee Roads
# 6 Lunney School: corner of Lunney and Hemlock Roads
# 7 O’Hara School: corner of Iva and Lunney Roads
# 8 Frl. Smith School: corner of Gratiot and Iva Roads
# 9 Tilden School: on Dice Road midway between Iva and Brennan Roads
# 10
Frl. - Fractional District (District divided between two townships)
Saginaw Township
# 1 Frl. Brick School: corner of Hackett and Midland Roads - Shattuckville School
# 2 Hemmeter School: corner of Hemmeter and State Roads
# 3 McMann School: corner of Weinecke and Shattuck Roads
# 4 Otto School: corner of Gratiot and Center Roads
# 5 Plainfield School: corner of Bay and Shattuck Roads
# 6 Prosser School: on Schust Road midway between Bay and Mackinaw Roads
# 7 Vincent School: corner of Michigan and - ? Otto
# 8 White School: corner of Midland and State Roads
Frl. - Fractional District (District divided between two townships)
Saint Charles Township
# 1 Fergus School: on Fergus Road midway between Carr and M-52
# 2 Forest Lawn School: corner of Luce and Amman Roads
# 3 Indiantown School: corner of Fergus and Turner Roads
# 4 Jones School: on Sharon Road midway between Ryan and Fergus Roads
# 5 Pioneer School: corner of West Burt and Frandsche Roads
# 6 St. Charles Village School: village of St. Charles
# 7
# 8
Spaulding Township
# 1 Banner School: on Washington Road midway between Jefferson and Sheridan Roads
# 2 Hess School: corner of Houlihan and Cole Roads
Swan Creek Township
# 1 Garfield School: corner Lakefield and Teft Roads
# 2 Schaupp 1916-17 also 1952-56
# 3 Frl. Swan Creek School: corner of Swan Creek and Benkert Roads
Frl. - Fractional District (District divided between two townships)
Taymouth Township
# 1 Becker School: corner of Dorwood and East Verne Roads
# 2 Burt School: in village of Burt, on Burt Road near railroad tracks
# 3 Blackmar School: on Moorish Road midway between Busch and East Rathburn Roads
# 4 Canada Street School: corner of East Verne and Moorish Roads
# 5 Foster School: in Foster near railroad tracks
# 6 McGregor School: corner of Moorish and East Burt Road
# 7 McIntosh School: corner of Seymour and East Burt Road
# 8 Ross School: on Morseville Road
# 9 Toddish School: corner of Bursch and Pettit Roads
Thomas Township
# 1 Dice School: ** Dice Road
# 2 Geddes School: on Lone Road midway between Geddes and
# 3 Frl. Graham School: corner of Graham and Gratiot Roads
# 4 Frl. Graham Heights School: on Gratiot Road between Miller and River Roads ** AKA : Gratiot Heights: 1927
# 5 Grove School: on Gratiot Road between Miller and Van Wormer Roads
# 6 Liskow School: on Short Road midway between Geddes and State Roads. (1925) ** 1856 Liskow School was a log building constructed on the banks of the Tittabawassee River where Owens Cemetery is now located. ** Liskow School was on the corner of Miller
and State Road
and State Road
#7 Frl. Paines School: on River Road between Gratiot and Dutch Roads
# 8 Shields Elementary School: Stroebel Road about 1940
# 9 Frl. Wiltse School: on Curve Road & ? Tittabawassee Road
Frl. - Fractional District (District divided between two townships)
** Information found in History of Thomas Township 1855 to 1976
Tittabawassee Township
# 1 Freeland Village School: village of Freeland
# 2 Law School: on Buck Road midway between Webster and Garfield Roads
# 3 Munger School: on Gleaner Road midway between Freeland and Wilkins Roads
# 4 Porter School: corner of Garfield and Kochville Roads
# 5 Vasold School: on Vasold Road midway between Graham and Thomas Roads
# 6 Frl. Wellman School: on Freeland Road midway between Hackett and Hospital Roads
# 7 Whitman School: on Buck Road midway between Gleaner and Carter Roads
Frl. - Fractional District (District divided between two townships)
Zilwaukee Township
# 1 Zilwaukee School: